Coquille Bonheur was more than happy to participate in this beautiful day of celebration with the children, parents and teachers of the Mauritius Mental Health Association. It was with great pleasure, and a keen awareness of the importance of this day, that we responded favourably to the request of Mr. Dénis Grandport, President of the Association. 

Coquille Bonheur through its sustainable, inclusive tourism policy involves people at the centre of its activities. We recall by the same instance the importance of all human life and in particular that of people with disabilities. Malraut said, life is worth nothing but nothing is worth life. Every human person is precious.

Let's change our outlook on the community of disabled people, with an open mindset, tolerance and acceptance of difference. Very often, the people affected are handicapped by society and not just by their bodies.

The purpose of this initiative was to give a little joy to children with special needs and their parents. Through this support for the MMHA, we sought to commune, in joy, with the parents and officials of the MMHA, Colibri Sen School and Day care. We merely just wanted to show our solidarity at the end of the year.