In a press release issued on Monday February 14, the Reunionese prefecture announced that "the special provisions taken by way of ministerial decree restricting travel between Reunion, Mauritius and South Africa are repealed . Travel to these two destinations is subject to the general principle provided for the color zone to which they belong: orange for Mauritius and South Africa”.
For Mauritius, classified in the "orange" zone, the softening of the position of the prefecture had the effect of a relief for Mauritian tourist operators, who are already preparing to welcome tourists from the island again. sister in the greatest respect of the health standards in force.
“The Reunionese market is crucial for Mauritian tourism. We are happy that this decision has been reviewed. We look forward to welcoming back our brothers and sisters from Reunion and renewing the strong ties that unite us. The economies of our two countries will necessarily benefit, given that Mauritius is one of the most important sources of income for Reunionese travel agencies,” said Arvind Bundhun, CEO of the Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority.